A play in two acts by legendary Swedish playwright Kristina Lugn, directed by Mellika Melouani Melani, at the Royal Dramatic Theater (Dramaten) in Stockholm. The play is in Swedish, with no subtitles. Description in Swedish from the Dramaten homepage. verpastej och döden. Medelålder och avgrund. Kristina Lugns Titta en älg handlar om kvinnorna som lyckats […]
In December 2024, the Royal Theatre of La Monnaie premieres a brand new opera based on the 1982 Ingmar Bergman film "Fanny and Alexander". Music by Mikael Karlsson and libretto by Royce Vavrek. Ivo van Hove directs the piece. The cast includes Sasha Cooke (Emilie), Thomas Hampson (Bishop Vergerus), Peter Tantsits (Oscar), Doris Soffel (Helena), […]